VMware has announced the intent to acquire Veriflow, a pioneer in network verification and troubleshooting, helping customers model, analyze and verify their hybrid networks to allow IT teams to operate, secure and resilient networks.
Also Veriflow has a innovative approach to combating network breaches and outages through mathematical network verification.
The acquisition will enable VMware to deliver increased networking troubleshooting capabilities to further differentiate from competing vendors.
Moving forward, the combination of Veriflow (as part of Network Insight), VMware and Dell Smart Fabric Director will enable VMware and Dell to provide customers with end-to-end monitoring and verification that deliver automation, visibility and troubleshooting for data center fabrics.
First product integration, probably, will be with vRealize Network Insight (vRNI) started as Arkin Net. This product was also a result from the VMware’s acquisition of Arkin (in June of 2016).
Once the acquisition is closed, VMware plans to invest in and integrate Veriflow into vRealize Network Insight to increase our overall network monitoring and troubleshooting capabilities and adding new dimensions of network verification and What-If analysis directly to the platform.
And I think that VMware is going also to work on a new service like AppDefense focused on network security and this may close the circle: vRNI is good for network visibility, NSX is good to enforce and apply network security policy, but you also need an active tool to found network security issues and this acquisition may fill the gap.