Browsing Posts tagged VCAP

Reading Time: 2 minutes As discussed, all the VMware exams have a release version that depend only by the major number of the related products (or suite). And usually are all agnostic on the minor number. But the only way to be sure is check the related blueprint and verify the content (a simple and fast way could be check the document links). But there are also some specific notes depending by the certification path.

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Cloud path is one of the new certifications paths from VMware announced during the last VMworld US. I’m not sure that it will remain an independent (from the -DCV) path also in the future, considering that VMware now is pushing on the vCloud Suite rather than only the single vSphere or vCloud Director part. But this is just a my guess. Actually the Datacenter Virtualization (vSphere) and the Cloud (vCloud Director and related products) are two separated certifications paths.

Reading Time: 5 minutes I’ve not found any available seats to take the VCAP5-DCA exam during the beta period, and actually I don’t need to take it for my VCDX5 upgrade. But I think that this is one of the best VMware exam and I really like it, so on Jan 10, 2013 I’ve found the opportunity and the time window to take the exam.

Reading Time: 3 minutes Last week I’ve taken the official VCAP5-DCD, to remediate the failure of the VCAP5-DCD beta and  try to gain this certification. The exam is really huge: The VDCD510 exam contains 100 questions (in the beta 131). The total time for this exam is 225 minutes (same of the beta). Candidates who take the VDCD510 exam in a country where English is not a primary language will have an additional 30 minutes added to the exam time. This time extension is automatic, no additional action is required from the candidate. There were jsut a few questions with a […]

Reading Time: < 1 minute The official VCAP5-DCD exam has been released some days ago and there is the relative web page with several information about it and, of course, the blueprint. And also there are other site with useful study guides and notes: VCAP brownbags Gregg Robertson’s VCAP5-DCA & DCD resource page Scott Vessey’s VCAP5-DCD resource page (actually contains only generic information) Ray Heffer’s VMware VCAP5-DCD Study Guide & Notes page Steve Dunne’s VCAP-DCD 5 – Study Pack VCAP-DCD | Objective 1.1 | Gather and analyse business requirements

Reading Time: < 1 minute Finally, after the beta period and a long waiting (first time that beta results were out before the exam goes live), the VCAP5-DCD exam is now available. All information are on the official web page. It also confirmed the rumors that, for a shot period, all VCAP4-DCD could upgrade to v5 without the need of VCP5… Nice but unuseful… I think that most has alreay upgrade before the 29th of Feb… So an exam discount (IMHO) was a better option. As usually, for VCAP exam, you need to require a VCAP5-DCD Authorization, that is still […]

Reading Time: < 1 minute Actually the exam is not yet avaialable. But some people (with the approval of VMware) have already publish the current beta exam blueprint with some study notes and some interesting information: Ed Grigson has highlighted the changes to the VCAP5-DCA blueprint compared to VCAP4-DCA: VCAP5-DCA What’s new Gregg Robertson has started with some notes a the VCAP5-DCA blueprint objectives ProfessionalVMware – #vBrownBags VCAP5-DCA Podcast Vancolab TheFoglite

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