Browsing Posts in vCertification

Reading Time: < 1 minute As you can notice in the VMware’s certifications planner, the End User Computing (EUC) path has slightly changed in some names: the related VCDX (not yet available) is simple called VCDX-Desktop (and no more VCDX-DT) and the same apply for VCP-Desktop (funny that in other point is still called VCP-DT). Remember also that the related VCP has two different path (as all other VCPs): one is the VCP-Desktop exam (that cover also the vSphere part) and one is VMware View exam. But the interesting aspect is the “Workforce Mobility” related to new Associate level (VCA): […]

Reading Time: 2 minutes A VCDX Bootcamp is a half day session (little less) that can really help you in the VCDX preparation, expecially to understand the entire VCDX process with more attention on the application and the defense part. In my opinion could be a must for each new VCDX (I wasn’t so lucky and I wasn’t able to attend it). There is also a book: VCDX Boot Camp: Preparing for the VCDX Panel Defense. But honestly be part at this live experience could be completly different.

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Microsoft Certified Solutions Master (MCSM) is the new name of the MCM program and actually include different paths (MCSM: Data Platform, MCSM: SharePoint, MCSM: Communication, MCSM: Messaging , MCSM: Active Directory). This certification is almost similar at the VCDX level from VMware, but it’s not the top one in the Microsoft path, where a Microsoft Certified Architect (MCA) level also exist. Now, in the last days, there are some strange rumors about those certifications: seems that Microsoft communicated on Friday evening to existing and candidate MCM/MCSM/MCA community (exams will be retired on October 1, […]

Reading Time: 4 minutes The exam VCAP5-CID is the design part of the Cloud path and it’s mandatory (with the admin exam) to reach the VCDX-Cloud certification (actually there is already somebody with the double VCDX certifications). Also it could give the VCP-Cloud certification in some cross-path scenarios. I’ve take this exam some week after the VCAP5-CIA (see my related experience) and I suggest this strategies for two reasons: there are some admin related questions (more than one, so if you are really fresh from the CIA exam you will find them easy) and some concepts are really common […]

Reading Time: 2 minutes The VCAP5-CID certification is the design part of the VMware cloud path. The format is also the same of the other two design exams (VCAP-DTD and VCAP-DCD) with serveral questions (also with multiple choiches), drag-and-drop items and specialized design items. And it’s very long with a lot of time, but also a lot of questions! It’s also mandatory, as the VCAP5-CIA exam, for the VCDX-Cloud path. VUE Exam code is VCID510 (other code were used for beta), and (as other VCAP exams) it require an authorization (and also it’s listed in the VMware Advanced exams).

Reading Time: 2 minutes VMware has announce other news in its certification path: first the new Network Virtualization path (already discussed in a previous post) and second a new level (or the re-introduction of a previous level). Also the VMware Forum reflect this change with a new area dedicated to the new VCA level. Actually the official page reports all the new Associate level, and also the Certifications roadmap show the new path (actually only with the Associate level) and the new level:

Reading Time: 2 minutes As you know the EMEA edition of #vBrownbag his covering the the Cloud path with the relavitve VCAP exams and blueprint (for more information, see the full list of certification paths and my session at the #vBrownbag at VMworld). The next scheduled session is dedicated at VCAP5-CIA certification (the admin part of the cloud path) with an analysis of section 3 of the official blueprint (related to Managing vCloud Director Resources):

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