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Vembu è un player nell’ambito del backup e data protection, magari ancora poco noto in Italia, ma con alle spalle una discreta storia e di (relativamente) recente approdato al mondo della virtualizzazione con soluzioni specifiche per gli hypervisor (VMware vSphere e Microsoft Hyper-V) e alcune soluzioni specifiche per cloud SaaS. Ovviamente ha anche soluzioni specifiche per il mondo fisico, da quale era nato.

Vembu ha da poco rilasciato la nuova BDR Suite 3.9.0, una soluzione di backup e disaster recovery per VMware e Hyper-V che ora include ora anche il supporto per i tape (che continuano ad esistere in vari ambienti).

La suite (già dalle versioni precedenti) ha diverse modalità di backup: VMBackup, ImageBackup, NetworkBackup ed integra anche la funzione Offsite DR.

Le novità della versione 3.9.0 posso essere riassunte nelle seguenti (per maggiori informazione vedere questo post):

  • Native Tape Storage Support: Implement the best known 3-2-1 backup strategy of having 3 copies of your data in 2 different storage media and 1 backup copy offsite with the new native tape backup support from Vembu. Backing up to tape is still a necessary practice for many organizations and it is the only feasible option for the long-term archival for larger data. With v3.9.0, Vembu supports the needs of many organizations by backing up of the data to tape storages.
  • Backup Level encryption: When a critical data is easily hackable, the consequences are devastating. Frequent data breaches of recent ransomware attacks are having the organizations to think about the best way to safeguard their business-critical data against the threats and hackers. With Vembu’s backup level encryption, every backup job can be encrypted with an individual password, and it is necessary to enter this password while restoring or modifying the backup.
  • Quick VM Recovery on ESXi: Vembu helps in reducing Recovery Time Objective(RTO) using Quick VM Recovery, thereby reducing the downtime of a business from minutes to seconds during a disaster. Instant recovery of Hyper-V VMs and physical Windows Servers is now made available on VMware ESXi for an effective Disaster Recovery(Previously available only on Hyper-V). Recovering the backup data as a virtual machine happens in a matter of seconds by booting the backed up machine directly from the storage repository on any hypervisor of choice like Hyper-V or VMware ESXi or KVM.
  • Auto Authorization at OffsiteDR Server: The DR data is extremely vital and has to be protected, but in some cases, the replicated data is prone to corruption when it receives the data from an unknown backup server, causing the sensitive data to be vulnerable. Vembu’s Auto Authorization for DR server will generate a unique passkey, using which only the authorized backup server can connect and replicate the backup data to the DR server for Disaster recovery.
  • Pre/Post Commands: Many businesses need to execute certain logics before or after a backup job and running these logics or scripts manually during a backup is difficult and it is not feasible for the organization having multiple backup jobs. With the separate wizard for prescripts and postscripts, you can add any number of executable scripts and Vembu lets you automatically run your own business logic at specific stages of a backup job based on the configuration.

Se siete interessati al prodotto questo il link per scaricarlo: Download Now

Esiste inoltre una versione completamente gratuita: FREE VM Backup and Recovery Solution

