Browsing Posts tagged TFD

Reading Time: < 1 minuteOn November 29th, 2023, Quantum announced the general availability of a new solution, Myriad. Quantum boasts a comprehensive end-to-end portfolio of software solutions known to unlock the true value of data.  A company with a pedigree in storage, Quantum offers solutions ranging from archiving to file and object storage, each targeted at a particular set of uses cases. In all its solutions, data is the chief strategy and center of focus.  Some weeks ago I’ve got the opportunity to attend at the Quantum Tech Field Day Showcase and learn more about this innovative product.

Reading Time: 4 minutesI’m very proud and honored to have been invited at the second Security Field Day (#XFD2) event. This is a brand new Tech Field Day (TFD) event, the Tech Field Day team started the Security Field Day event because they recognized that security is just as vital to IT operations as storage, networking, or virtualization. And of course there is more demand on those type of topics. You can learn more in this post by Tom Hollingsworth: Security Field Day – The Non-Conference.

Reading Time: 5 minutesI’m very proud and honored to be invited to the next Storage Field Day in Boston. It will be the 16th edition of Storage Field Day (#SFD16), and seems to be very interestning both for the presenters and the delegates lists. I’m very excited for this event, that remains a must for all techie-people: be a delegate is a unique opportunity to meet interesting people, learn more on products and solutions and usually learn directly by the higher (technical) level of each company… All without biased discussion and always with a high technical level … Contents first in very […]

Reading Time: 4 minutesHitachi it’s a huge company with a lot of products, solutions, technologies in different verticals (including automotive, energy, healtcare, …) but also spreading from the consumer part to the business and research part. But on September 2017, has launched Hitachi Vantara, a new business entity to leverage the broad portfolio of innovation, development and experience from across Hitachi Group companies to deliver data-driven solutions for commercial and industrial enterprises. This new company will unify the operations of Hitachi Data Systems, Hitachi Insight Group, and Pentaho into a single integrated business focused on operational technologies (OT) […]

Reading Time: 3 minutesDuring the Dell Technologies World, in Las Vegas from April 30 to May 1st, there will be a special Networking Field Day event with VMware on the NSX (of course considering the network topic). For more information see the Networking Field Day Exclusive with VMware event page.

Reading Time: 7 minutesNel corso degli ultimi anni, i termini Converged infrastructures (CI) e HyperConverged Infrastructures (HCI), in italiano a volte tradotti come infrastrutture convergenti e iper-convergenti, sono diventati di uso comune; benché spesso non se ne capisca il vero significato. Un po’ come è successo con altri termini (si pensi a cloud), a volte vengono usati più per questioni di marketing che per vere e prorie ragioni tecniche. Del resto, nel mondo degli storage, è successo lo stesso con il termine Software Defined Software (SDS), usato spesso a sproposito: di fatto la maggior parte degli storage sono […]

Reading Time: 3 minutesI’m very proud and honored to be invited again to the next Tech Field Day in Austin (TX). It will be the 16th edition of Tech Field Day (#TFD16), just one year after the 13th, still in Austin (and where I was also invited). I’m very excited for this event, that remains a must for all techie-people: be a delegate is a unique opportunity to meet interesting people, learn more on products and solutions and usually learn directly by the higher (technical) level of each company… All without biased discussion and always with a high technical […]

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