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Runecast announces the new release version 1.7 of its proactive issue detection software, Runecast Analyzer. After the Meltdown and Spectre detection added in the previous releases, this latest version brings other interesting news.

Runecast Analyzer is powered by the largest database of automated VMware KB articles which feed its internal archive of known issues. The interesting aspect of this tool is that it’s very easy and fast to be deployed and that it can work fully in offline mode!

Announcing Runecast Analyzer v1.7

The most notable changes and new functionality:

  • New VMware stack visualization of risks and issues
  • VMware vSAN support
  • vSphere web plugin integration improvements (HTML5 and FLEX)

The first news is the the VMware stack visibility that consists in five main layers: “Management”, “VM”, “Compute”, “Network” and “Storage” visible in the up-right corner of the main dashboard:

This VMware stack widget is fully interactive and the user can select, click and drill-down to see the specific issue(s).

The second big news is the analysis of a vSAN environment: Runecast Analyzer v1.7 scans vSAN clusters and tests their configurations against a large database of VMware Knowledge Base and Best Practice rules. Then, not only does it produce a list of issues which may affect vSAN availability or functionality and may strike the environment at any time, but also provides clear guides for how to fix them.

Runecast Analyzer shows vSAN clusters in a topological view and their relation to the adjacent and underlying VMware vCenters and VMs, providing insight into the severity and location of the affected VMs.

Finally, for users who prefer to use vSphere’s web client (both HTML5 or FLEX) to monitor and manage vCenters and vSAN, Runecast Analyzer v1.7 features an improved version of its vSphere web plugin. The plugin displays all issues detected by Runecast Analyzer with all details about their root causes, as well as effective steps for resolving them.
