Browsing Posts published in Dicembre, 2019

Reading Time: 2 minutes Nutanix has announced the Nutanix Technology Champions (NTC) 2020 list. NTC is a community award, started on 2014, similar to others programs like VMware vExpert, Microsoft MVP, Cisco Champions, EMC Elect, … rewarding members of the community on their efforts in sharing their knowledge and enabling fellow community members.

Reading Time: 2 minutes A usual way to backup the VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) is to manage as a common VM and use a backup solution to backup (and restore) the entire VM. But it’s approach does not always work and cannot guarantee a restore in some cases, for example in the case of a database corruption.

Reading Time: 3 minutes As you know the VMUG membership is completly free as also all the benefits, including the online resources, local meeting and UserConf events (some events may have a fee depending by the local VMUG, but almost are for free). But, if you want (and it’s not mandatory for VMUG membership), you can have more benefit by subscribing to the VMUG Advantage, that is an interesting way to stay on top of your technical skills with discounts on training, certifications, attendance at VMworld and on product licenses.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Il WPC è la conferenza tecnica italiana molto conosciuta per i professionisti dell’IT ideata e organizzata da OverNet Education. Dal 2016 , l’evento è tornato ad essere articolato su 3 giornate dense di sessioni e contenuti, il WPC 2019 (che rappresenta la 26ma edizione di WPC in Italia) è un evento che riunisce una community di oltre 400 IT Professionals. Il WPC 2019 si svolgerà di come di consueto a Milanofiori dal 3 al 5 dicembre 2019.

Reading Time: 4 minutes Each big vendor has some kind of annually “community award” for individuals who have significantly contributed to the community of the specific vendor’s users over the past 12 months. Those kinds of “technologies experts” could be book authors, bloggers (in most cases), leaders in some communities, tool builders, and other IT professionals who share their knowledge and passion with others. These people have gone above and beyond their day jobs to share their technical expertise and communicate the value of the specific vendor’s technologies to their colleagues and to the community.

Reading Time: < 1 minute A livello italiano segnalo: Red Hat Open Source Day 2019 – Milano (3 dicembre) WPC19 – Milano (3-5 dicembre) Telco per l’Italia – Roma (10dicembre) SMAU – Napoli (12-13 dicembre) StartUpItalia Open Summit – Milano (16 dicembre)

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