Browsing Posts published on 25 Aprile 2018

Reading Time: 2 minutes Unitrends ha annunciato il rilascio di una nuova soluzione di backup, nativa per ambienti VMware, ed espressamente pensata per le piccole medie imprese (PMI). Questo prodotto si chiama VM Backup Essentials (vBE), un po’ sullo stile dei nomi di VMware (considerando anche la morte di VDP). Questo nuovo prodotto include differenti funzionalità di fascia medio (alta), in un pacchetto full-optional licenziato secondo un modello a subscription: $105 per socket per anno.

Reading Time: 3 minutes Cohesity has start is journey focusing in the hyperconverged secondary storage area, but in the last two years Cohesity has embraced the cloud power focusing more on the public and hybrid cloud integrations. Now has announced new capabilities that empower organisations to leverage the public cloud for faster application testing and development while ensuring seamless backup and recovery. Cohesity DataPlatform now includes CloudSpin to provide organisations instant access to their backup data in the cloud for application testing and development (test/dev), eliminating manual processes that typically take weeks to complete. For organisations that are developing cloud-based applications, […]

Reading Time: 2 minutes Puppet eliminates manual work from your infrastructure management and software delivery process so you can more quickly deliver great software securely and on demand. Their main product is Puppet Enterprise that gives you and all your IT teams a common language they can use to successfully adopt DevOps practices, such as version control, code review, automated testing, continuous integration and automated deployment. But now Puppet has announced another product: Puppet Discovery. In this way Puppet expand its product portfolio and accelerate customers’ journey to pervasive automation.

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