Browsing Posts published in Febbraio, 2016

Reading Time: 3 minutesVMware ha annunciato che il 30 giugno 2016 l’edizione vSphere Enterprise andrà in End of Availability (“EoA”), insieme anche a vSphere with Operations Management Standard and vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise. Come se non bastasse sono stati anche annunciati aumenti in vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise Plus (da $4,245 a $4,395 per CPU) e vCenter Server™ Standard (da $4,995 a $5,995 per istanza). I nuovi prezzi saranno effettivi dal 1° aprile 2016.

Reading Time: 2 minutesInfinit has launched its second product, a decentralized file storage platform, making it possible for IT managers to aggregate storage resources across on-premise servers and the cloud into a flexible, secure, fault-tolerant and scalable file system. Infinit’s goal is to disrupt legacy storage solutionsusing a software-defined solution that makes the product entirely hardware agnostic, with the potential to reduce the total cost of ownership for a storage system, but also drastically reduces the setup time and complexity associated with adopting a custom storage solution.

Reading Time: 3 minutesOn February 16th 2016, EMC has launched a new product: VxRail. It’s a fully integrated, preconfigured, and pre-tested VMware hyper-converged infrastructure appliancebased on VMware’s vSphere and Virtual SAN, and EMC software. VxRail delivers an all-in-one IT infrastructure transformation by leveraging a known and proven building block for the Software Defined Data Center (SDDC). But more important is not only an EMC product: it cames from the VCE that is an alliance with EMC, VMware and Cisco. So it’s mainly an EMC and VMware new product.

Reading Time: 4 minutesCaringo is a storage related company founded in 2005 to change the economics of storage by designing software from the ground up to solve the issues associated with data protection, management, organization and search at massive scale. Founders background on object storage were really solid, considering that they were involved in the EMC Centera project and their solution (Swarm) is quite interesting with some unique capabilities.

Reading Time: 3 minutesLa certificazione Network Certified Implementation Expert (VCIX-NV) finora si era differenziata dalle altre certificaizoni “avanzate” di VMware perché aveva un percorso di certificazione più semplice: un solo esame basato su lab (e quindi comparabile con gli altri esami di tipo admin VCAP) e la certificazione era ottenuta. Esame neppure così difficile, rispetto ad altri VCAP admin. Tutte le altre certificazioni VCIX richiedono non solo una parte di admin (ora chiamata deploy, benché di deploy spesso vi sia molto poco), ma anche una parte di design (esame decisamente più tosto). Inizialmente questi due esami erano esami […]

Reading Time: 3 minutesSome months ago Cohesity announced the public launch of the Cohesity Data Platform, a product designed to consolidate all secondary storage use cases on a unified environment that helps organizations control growing data demands. Now they are announcing the new v2.0 of their product that expands enterprise features such as SMB protocol support, cloud archive, Site-to-Site replication and hardware-accelerated, 256-bit encryption. The Cohesity Data Platform combines a web-scale storage architecture with standards-based hardware components that enable companies to transition from today’s expensive silos for different data use cases to a simple, pay-as-you grow solution for data management. […]

Reading Time: 3 minutesVMware ha da poco annunciato la disponibilità di vCloud Suite 7 e vRealize Suite 7, definendo una nuova linea di soluzione per la Cloud Management Platform (CMP). “Il focus di VMware è quello di offrire una piattaforma di gestione di cloud ibrido enterprise-ready per aiutare i nostri clienti a ottenere un importante vantaggio competitivo come quello del business digitale”, ha dichiarato Ajay Singh, senior vice president and general manager, Management Suites Business Unit di VMware. “VMware vRealize Suite 7 è progettato per soddisfare i più severi requisiti dei nostri clienti per il provisioning dei servizi […]

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